Research has shown that when we learn to connect into our hearts with our breath, and then bring in positive emotions to our heart area, we start to increase our coherence, resilience and health in all areas of our lives (emotionally, physically, cognitively and spiritually). This may also have the positive benefit of impacting the environment and people around us. During a heart-based meditation, you also have the choice to send out love, support and positive energy to people who you know in your life as well as the wider population. The impact of this can benefit many in the world who are struggling or going through traumas or conflicts.
The meditation is a simple and guided experience and you can choose to focus on:
✨building up the connection with your own heart,
✨send positive emotions, healing and love to yourself, thus learning to develop self-love,
✨send positive emotions, healing and love to people you know in your life,
✨send positive emotions, healing and love to your local environment,
✨send positive emotions, healing and love to the wider community and environment,
✨send positive emotions, healing and love globally,
✨or all of the above.