What is Heart Led Psychotherapy?

Dr Alexandra Dent is the founder of Heart Led Psychotherapy (HLP), a NEW spiritually informed psychotherapy. The model and principles of HLP are actually suitable for everyone as they provide a way of teaching people to mindfully start living a life through their heart and soul rather than their ego, so that they live a more authentic life which is freer of pain and suffering. HLP offers a unique approach that can also be used by therapists and clinicians with their clients or as a coaching method within different settings and organisations.

In HLP, the term ‘ego’ is used to refer to an individual’s ‘self-image’ or conscious perceived thoughts and overanalyses of the world in which they live, where subject and object are considered distinct and separate. The term ‘heart’ refers to a person’s emotional centre that is the source of unconditional love, compassion, inner wisdom and truth.

HLP uses a BioPsychoSocialSpiritual approach to treating psychological distress. HLP applies to anyone regardless of their spiritual beliefs and has two working models. The Heart Led (HL) model can be used with anyone regardless of their spiritual beliefs. For many this is sufficient and can be used either as a standalone spiritually informed psychotherapy, or can be incorporated with other psychotherapies. If someone is open to spirituality and the presence of a soul, then the Heart and Soul Led (HASL) model supports clients to honour what feels authentic at a soul level as well as a heart level.

About HLP

HLP encourages individuals to find their own truth.


Embracing HLP

Focusing on what you can expect when living a soulful life.


Soul Level Work

Find out about Heart Led Psychotherapy workshops.



Testimonials from clients who have shared their experiences.



The aim of this website is twofold: to introduce you to Heart Led Psychotherapy and also to provide you with the tools and resources you will need to get through the challenges and stresses that life presents you with.

I am really passionate that everyone should have access to affordable, easily accessible and authentic guidance in life especially as psychological issues are on the increase globally and there is a general lack of support services available.

I have therefore developed three video workshops that all complement each other and that once purchased you can access at any time. The workshops are designed to teach you many resources and techniques to support you with the challenges and traumas and stresses of life as well as guide you to how to live a more heart led and authentic journey.

The ideas and concepts are generalisable and applicable to everyone regardless of whether you have difficulties or not. They are also suitable for people who have a wide range of psychological or mental health issues and if you practice the techniques regularly then you should soon notice positive changes in your life and a stronger ability to manage and cope. Everything that I have covered in the three workshops are tools that I practise every day of my life.


The Books

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